Travelling from Vietnam to Cambodia

Planning a trip to Indochina often involves different ways of crossing over from Vietnam to Cambodia or vice versa. Since both are neighbouring countries with shared borders, crossing over is a fairly uncomplicated process.

You have a number of options to choose from, ranging from the more expensive & quick flights to the longer cruises. How you choose to cross over depends on your budget and time constraints. Read on to know more about travelling from Vietnam to Cambodia.

You can see our 17 day Vietnam and Cambodia Itinerary | Other Cambodia and Vietnam travel ideas

travelling from vietnam to cambodia Vietnam is perfect as one of three stops in your Indochina itinerary.

Flights between Cambodia and Vietnam

When taking a flight from Vietnam into Cambodia, you can choose to land into either Phnom Penh (PNH) or Siem Reap (REP). Both are major cities; Phnom Penh is the capital city and Siem Reap is the gateway to the famed Angkor temple complex.

Most flights from Vietnam originate in either Ho Chi Minh City in the south, Da Nang in central Vietnam or Hanoi in the north. This is the simplest and fastest, but most expensive way to get from Vietnam to Cambodia.

Vietnam is very safe for solo female travellers and is a very affordable travel destination | Get in touch to plan your trip

vietnam airlines, airport in vietnam Vietnam has three international airports from where you can catch a flight to Cambodia.

Getting from Vietnam to Cambodia by road

There are multiple land border crossings when travelling from Vietnam to Cambodia by road:

Moc Bai – Bavet (Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh)
Tinh Bien – Phnom Den
Xa Xia – Prek Chak (Ha Tien to Kep- coastal route)
Le Thanh – O Yadao crossing ( remote northern crossing)

The most famous of these is the Moc Bai – Bavet route. It takes approximately 7 hours, and you can opt for either a private car or a bus. Whether by car or bus, you will have a guide to help you with the visa process once you’re at the border. Their English is likely to be broken, but rest assured that it will suffice. The Visa procedure for Cambodia itself should be a breeze, and is a big reason why travelling from Vietnam to Cambodia is so effortless. In case you’ve not chosen to get an e-Visa, you have the option of the Visa on Arrival. Both are convenient, so read up a little more on their process and pick one accordingly.

The buses are comfortable, with plenty of loo breaks on the way. They provide water, with some even giving you some snacks to munch on. Your journey will begin in District 10 of Ho Chi Minh City and end in Cambodian capital Phnom Penh. When at the border, you will have to take your luggage through a security check. Once cleared, it will be loaded back onto the bus or car and you continue to Phnom Penh. Let us know if you’d like our assistance to book any transportation; hit Plan Your Trip.

However, travelling by road does mean you lose one day. The borders are shut at night, making this your only option. The plus side is that this journey is scenic, with gorgeous glimpses of both countries. Skim over the Mekong, and wave to rice paddies as you zoom by; this will be an unforgettable drive.

travelling from vietnam to cambodia by road, ho chi minh city There’s no dearth of buses in Ho Chi Minh City that can get you into Cambodia.

waterways- travel by boat

The mighty Mekong river winds its way through Cambodia and ends in Vietnam, and is a crucial aspect to both nations. It also offers the chance to cross over by boat. The most popular route is from Chau Doc to Phnom Penh, taking approximately 5 hours. You can pick from faster boat services to more leisurely cruises. We’d advise against picking cheaper services as safety on a boat is not something you want to compromise.

An important point to note is that e-Visas are not accepted when crossing over by boat. Neither is there a guarantee of a legally available Visa on arrival. You must have a regular Cambodian visa, issued directly into your passport before you embark on your journey. It is mainly this reason, and the fact that you could get scammed into paying USD $5 to $20 on the boat, that we recommend avoiding this mode. However, if you have your mind set, we can work things out. Hit Plan Your Trip to know more.

travelling from vietnam to cambodia by boat, cruise in vietnam Indochina cruises use the mighty Mekong for some of their stops.


Southeast Asia holds a spell over the willing explorer’s heart, with countries so mesmerizingly unique in every aspect. Seeing the ease of travelling from Vietnam to Cambodia has hopefully ignited a spark in you to discover both nations. You can even have a Cambodia Vietnam Laos combination, and explore all three regions. Just ensure you have your visa and other travel details in place. We have your back for any more information; Vietnam, Cambodia or Laos, we’ve got the insider’s take on it all. Hit Plan Your Trip for a customized itinerary and the best way for you to explore Indochina.

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